Thursday, August 9, 2012

4th of July table runner ... a little late!

Ok, well I only feel half stupid showing you all a 4th of July table runner ... in August. I only feel half stupid because I actually had this done in time, I just was not blogging over the summer! lol Plus, you can use this concept for any table runner at all so really let's just forecast it to Labor Day, or visualize different colors and it's for Halloween! hehe.

All I did was cut the size rectangle I wanted the runner to be. I  got ribbon I wanted, in this case they were patriotic and I pinned them in angles I liked across the rectangle. Then I simply sewed the ribbons down, just inside the edge of them, on both sides of each ribbon. Then I quilt sandwiched it and quilted as desired. I went with the shapes of the ribbons on this one.

I think that it turned out cute. I did learn a few things along the way... like I hate binding lol. But I guess I had already learned that so it did not count. However, the next craft I share that I completed over the summer will show my new love for binding!

Until then, keep craftin'!


Participating In:
Tasteful Tuesday 
Wow Me Wednesday 
Commercial Break Thursday 
It's a Party at A Creative Princess 
Show Off Your Stuff at Fireflies and Jellybeans 
Show and Share at Southern Lovely 
Whatever Goes Wednesdays 
I <3 Friday link party  
Fabric Friday at My Crafting Channel 
Once Upon a Weekend Linky Party 
Weekend Wrap Up Party at Tatertots and Jello


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