Monday, January 7, 2013

So excited to share this!

I made a wall hanging for my middle daughter, Samantha, for Christmas. She is a huge Minecraft lover and it occured to me how easy it would be to do 8 bit quilting, especially since it is only squares! Then I came up with the creeper idea and thought I was so darn brilliant... then I found a bunch on Flickr lol.

So I am not the only one that had the idea but I am so in love with how it turned out and so proud, even if it is only squares, cause it was all planned out and done by moi! No help, no tutorials... I even used my quilting graph paper! lol I think I am finally getting a little better at this whole quilting thing! teehee!

So here it is, the Mine Craft Creeper:

In case you were wondering she absolutely loved it! She was so happy and amazed it almost made me cry! lol I just love making things for people :) 

- Tanyia 

Participating In:


  1. This is so cute! My boyfriend loves Minecraft. I would love if you would share on Inspired Weekends, open Friday through Thursday!

    Katie @ Horrific Knits

  2. My step-son LOVES Minecraft! He would love this. You did a great job! Congrats on doing it yourself. Doesn't it feel extra rewarding? :)

  3. Oh my! My kids would so really get a kick out of a similar blanket! What a fabulous idea!
    I will have to show them............

    hugs x


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