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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Finally completely finished!!

I gave my blog a nice Springy make over so I could TRY to start blogging again. I do miss it, but after so long you start to wonder who on earth, if anyone, really bothers to read your blog. Even with over 600 people following me, I know that most of those people do not actually read my blog much less only one or two ever comment. BUT, I guess if I am gonna blog I can do it for me then! :) That is why I started it in the first place.

I wanted to come and share my last finished project, which I just finished last night! I am so excited, it is the quilt I did for the warm/cool quilt a long with In Color Order. It was the first QAL I participated in and was so pleased with the top. Now, I have the binding done and it is all beautiful and completely finished! Here she is:

and the back:

I am so glad I participated and now I have my fabric ready for my next quilt, just not sure what it is going to look like yet. I may keep my eyes open for another QAL! :)


  1. Great job! What beautiful colors!

  2. first off, love the new background here. :) second, the quilt is absolutely gorgeous! wowwowwee!!!

  3. What an impressive quilt! Thanks so much for stoping by my site.


Thanks for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day!