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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Let the QAL begin!

I am so ready! I am signing up for a new Quilt a Long happening, take a peek over at Happy Quilting for the fabric requirements and the timeline for the QAL. There are some awesome prizes! Not only are the prizes at the end but there will be prizes for keeping up with the timeline along the way as well, which is so cool!

This week's task is to pick out our fabric and just have it ready to go for cutting next week! Also it is going to be done assembly line style, which is probably my favorite way of doing things as it is much quicker!

Here is my fabric! I am going to do a baby quilt so I chose the Carnaby Street line as I thought it would lend well to that. Such nice soft but pretty colors!

Definitely looking forward to working on this, especially once the kids get back to school, it will give me something to do with myself! lol 

Are you joining in? Or perhaps in another QAL? I would love to hear about it!


Participating In:

Fabric Tuesday


  1. I'm joining in to this quilt along too. I'll be watching to linky posts to see how your quilt is coming along :-) It's such a beautiful pattern that I think many gorgeous quilts are going to be posted in the upcoming weeks.

  2. This will be lovely! No QALs for me at the moment we are moving soon! I do have a list to sew after we are settled though.

  3. love, love, LOVE Carnaby Street! I've used it to make two different quilts, and even then I'm not sick of looking at the fabrics. Those are a great choice for a baby quilt that will really grow with her. And they'll look great in that QAL pattern!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation


Thanks for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day!