Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Notebooks, pencils, and pens... oh my!

Ok, for those who do not know I was a homeschooling mother for 12 years. NOT for any ridiculous religious reason but simply for my disdain for the Florida educational system. (Seriously ... it kinda blows) Anyway, last year I decided with my now 14 yr old and her ADHD issues and lack of compliance I just could NOT take it anymore! I was loosing my shit with her every day, it was BAD. Totally not her fault... I get that, don't stone me... but I am not the person who should be teaching her anymore.

So, back to school this year for both the younger ones! The youngest will be going back for the third year now. So... for the first year in TWELVE years I am going to have the day to myself! Like...no one home all day for 6 hours kinda thing! I am seriously, positively giddy at this point! In the mean time ... I have back to school shopping to do for TWO kids instead of just one! I am so glad at this point that the oldest is done with school.

The youngest has all of her clothes, bras, undies, socks, shoes, and her backpack...just need to get all of her supplies.

The middle one.. well, she HATES everything. She hates sneakers, she hates socks, she hates bras, she does not like capris, she won't wear shorts... seriously, shopping for her is such a joy, NOT! I need to get her pants, bras, underwear, shoes and school supplies still.

I am going to get ALL of these things today! No...seriously, ALL TODAY! I can not handle putting this off anymore, they are driving me insane. They go back to school on the 13th and for my own sanity they need to be ready. Plus, it will make me feel like it is really gonna happen! Wish me luck, I feel like I am entering the war zone today! Hopefully I will come home alive. Well...actually hopefully they will come home alive, too!


  1. Yeah, my tween is not into the bra wearing thing. I was so happy to have a bra, because it meant I had boobs.

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  3. Newest follower from the FL linkup! We are central florida too!


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