Monday, August 6, 2012

Twin Sized Half Rag Quilt

Since I have not blogged all summer, I have a few crafts to catch up on sharing with you! I did a twin sized quilt for my middle daughter, Samantha. I wanted to do some quilting but I also wanted to rag it so I would not have to bother with binding an entire twin sized quilt. Kudos to those of you that have no issue with this but it is just not in me.

I did 20 x 20 blocks, sewed em together, in a very basic pattern and quilted then put them together and ragged it. It turned out that she absolutely loves it as do I... and it was not overwhelming and I could finish it. I think I am really making strides in not needing to be perfect all the time. Turns out it is much easier to adapt an "Eh... whatever"attitude than I thought! lol

It is a combination of Prince Charming fabric by Tula Pink, some Ty Pennington stuff and I may have thrown in some Silent Cinema by Jenean Morrison ... but the only one I am sure of anymore is Tula Pink. Geez, I love me some Tula Pink patterns! Anyway, here she is :

Thanks for looking! I have a couple more things I finished this summer and I can not wait to share them with you! 

Participating In:
What's in the Gunny Sack party #49 
Fabric Friday #5 at My Crafting Channel 
Fabric Tuesdays at Quilt Story 
Show Me What Ya Got at Not Just a Housewife 
Take a Look Tuesday at Sugar Bee Crafts
Show & Share at Southern Lovely 
Whatever Goes Wednesdays 
Wow Me Wednesday 
Tasteful Tuesday 


  1. thanks so much Judy, I will stop by in a bit and check it out!

  2. SO so cute! I'm seriously impressed by anyone who can make a quilt!

    I'm returning your follow from the blog hop :) Excited to be blog friends!


    1. thanks, Brooke... if I can do it anyone can, trust me lol

  3. Hi love.
    Thanks for stopping by and following my blog. I'm now your newest follower. Looking forward to your future posts :)


  4. Oh my word that quilt is absolutely incredible! I am so impressed.

  5. Great work. It looks very comfy.

    1. thanks hun, the back is a really soft gray flannel :)

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your blog design! And cute quilt!!

  7. Holy smokes. I take a couple days off and you do two posts. What's up with
    Love the quilt. The rag quilt is still on my list of things to do but it will have to wait for now

    1. ikr! lol I can not wait til you try, I know you would be awesome at it!

  8. Thank you for stopping by and following! I am also a new follower :)
    My friend just mentioned she wanted to make a quilt out of her old Tshirts and concert memorabilia...wonder if someday i could do something like that :)
    So happy to have found you!

    Andie's Traveling Pants

    1. Glad to have you here! It is actually way easier than it sounds, especially if you want to do something like that instead of intricate shapes, ya know? There are lots of great internet tuts!

  9. Tula Pink!! She's a fave of mine too. Love your rag quilt colors....wonderful finish!

  10. Love the quilt! I came over from someday crafts, would love for you to come over to my Link party... I've opened up my successful food party to crafts this week.


Thanks for taking the time to comment, it always makes my day!